Lease Renewal Request Lease Renewal Request Owner InformationFull Name* First Last Phone*Email* Business InformationCompany Name* Years in Business Do you have a business license? I have a business license in Sugar Hill I have a business license in a different location I plan to obtain a business license in Sugar Hill My business doesn't need a business license The space I am looking to renew for is... my current suite. a smaller suite. a larger suite. Current availability includes: #103 as of July 2021.Executive Summary of Business Plan*Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, , Max. file size: 16 MB.Must include: a brief business description, mission statement, market gauge, and your business goals for the next six months. Please do not exceed two pages. File formats accepted include pdf, doc, and docx.Why do you believe remaining in a business incubator is the best fit for your business?*Any additional comments:This is optional.Suite Spot FeedbackSelect the support items you would like to receive more of while at the business incubator. Learning Local Resources Online Learning Tools Leadership Courses Creating a Business Plan Business Courses Mentorship Speakers Networking Programs None, Self-Sufficient What ideas do you have for continued improvement at the Suite Spot?CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ