By signing up for membership and remaining an active member, you understand that this page can change at any time and that you agree to the following in its current form:
- The Suite Spot co-work space is meant to be used as a workspace so things that are not normally in a working environment should not be brought into the Suite Spot. Including, but not limited to: pets, children, personal radios, loud music, etc.
- Meeting with clients aged 18 or younger (with necessary parental permission) is permitted. Children of clients or Suite Spot members are not permitted to use facilities at the Suite Spot.
- Be respectful & courteous to other members, building tenants, guests and management.
- Harassment, bullying, aggressive behavior or verbal abuse may result in loss of access and termination of membership.
- Phone calls, conversations and meetings should be kept at a reasonable volume when other members are in the space.
- Resources such as bathroom supplies, trash containers, etc. are provided as courtesies to all members. Supplies should be used responsibly and sparingly as to ensure availability to all members. If you have a special need that will require excessive use of resources (such as a meeting or health condition), consider providing your own resources for those occasions.
- No aggressive soliciting. Interacting and collaborating with fellow Suite Spot co-working members is strongly encouraged. All members are in the space in order to grow their businesses in a comfortable, non-threatening environment. This means that strong sales tactics are not allowed.
- Under no circumstance is anyone to move any furniture for any reason. Chairs in the conference rooms and co-work space are to remain in those spaces and are not to be taken upstairs or moved to a different area for any reason.
- Feedback is welcomed and encouraged. Feedback should be provided using the support page for members.
- Unlawful activity or harassing activity of any kind will not be tolerated.
- You are responsible for your guest, their behavior and any mess they leave behind.
- All areas should be kept clean and clutter-free. All members are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and their guests. If you need additional materials or resources to do so, please contact management using the support page for members on this site.
- If any area needs cleaning, maintenance or presents a safety issue, please use the support page for members to report it.
- The parking lot of the building and adjacent properties are an extension of the co-work area itself and all rules apply there as well.
- Premium desks are considered private property and even if not in use should not be used by anyone other than the person currently renting them.
Members must be 18 years or older. All guest must always be accompanied by an adult member. No guests under 15 years of age allowed.
Members must have a valid business license with the City of Sugar Hill if they are business owners using The Suite Spot as their primary place of conducting business.
The Sugar Hill Downtown Development Authority and building management (City of Sugar Hill) reserve the right to terminate the membership of any current member if they violate the Membership Terms & Conditions currently in place as listed here or if the member acts in an offensive, aggressive, threatening, or otherwise offensive or disturbing manner towards anyone while at The Suite Spot.
Members may cancel their membership at any time by using The Suite Spot membership management website or by using support page for members.
Cancellation of a member’s membership by either party does not constitute a refund of any membership amounts that have been paid for the month. If the member has paid more than a month in advance, remaining months may be refunded or prorated at the discretion of the Sugar Hill Downtown Development Authority and building management.
Members have access to the common co-working area on a first come, first serve basis and work areas can not be specifically dedicated for an individual member.
The Meeting Room & Conference Room are available to all members and are open to be used by anyone. However, the rooms are meant to be reserved for meetings and training sessions. These spaces are for meetings & trainings only and should not be used for extended amounts of time or as personal office spaces. The meeting or conference room may be reserved for up to 2 hours per day per tenant. If another member has reserved the space for use, other members must respect that reservation and not use that space during the allotted reserved time. The calendar for approved reservations can be viewed on the Schedule Room page. Scheduling is limited to availability & space. As stated, members are responsible for leaving rooms clean and organized after use.
On occasion the entire co-working space may be used for events for groups (eg. member networking and learning engagements). These events are pre-approved by the Sugar Hill Downtown Development Authority or building management (City of Sugar Hill). During these limited occasions, space may be limited due to the number of people in the space but all members will be allowed access and use the common space. Meetings should be held in the available conference rooms only, and should not exceed the capacity of those rooms (10-12 people for the larger conference room). The Suite Spot should not be used for groups of over 12 people unless expressly approved to do so by building management.
Internet service is provided to all members of the co-working space. No excessive use of video streaming & torrenting services is allowed in order to make sure all members have adequate internet speeds. The internet service has active features to make it as safe to use as possible, however, members should use common sense when using any public network and secure their own devices. The Suite Spot, the Sugar Hill Downtown Development Authority and building management (Sugar Hill Business Technology Group, LLC) are not responsible for inappropriate use of other members or users of the internet service provided. There is no expressed or implied guarantee of security and/or reliability of network and internet services provided at the Suite Spot. If you experience issues with internet services, report it using the support page for members.
Large trash containers are on the right side of the building in the alleyway. Please use these containers if you have large amounts of trash from an event, etc. These are NOT for personal use, home trash or large objects (such as furniture & appliances).
2nd floor – Only Suite Spot Tenants with office space or premium members are allowed to use the 2nd floor. 1st floor Office Suites – Only Suite Spot Tenants with office space are allowed to access this area. Co-work members and guests should not under any circumstances use the 2nd floor or closed off 1st floor without expressed consent from building management, unless accompanied by a tenant of a 2nd floor space. Premium members are limited to one guest due to limited space. Premium members needing more space should reserve the conference room.
Management is in City Hall, down the West Broad Street within walking distance. Building management is handled by the City of Sugar Hill’s Downtown Coordinator. Under standard operations, the Downtown Coordinator has office hours twice a week at the circular desk on the 1st floor (Co-work area) of the Suite Spot. Tenants and Co-work Members should contact (building management) using The Suite Spot ticket portal, emailing the service desk, or emailing the Downtown Coordinator.
Members agree to pay monthly memberships in order to use the co-working space at The Suite Spot. Those memberships will be collected via automatic recurring billing to a credit or debit card. The member’s card will be charged monthly on the same day of the month that the member signed up for. For example, if a member signed up on May 5, the card on file will be automatically charged the 5th of every month until their membership has ended.
Members signing up and repeatedly cancelling their membership or members whom have repeated credit card failures will be terminated and blocked from future membership.
The Suite Spot, the Sugar Hill Downtown Development Authority and building management (City of Sugar Hill) are not responsible for lost or stolen property. Use good judgment when bringing belongings to The Suite Spot or leaving belongings unattended. This rule also applies to the parking lot and unattended vehicles. Any camera recordings that are available and would help law enforcement investigations would be released only to investigating law enforcement officials upon request, if deemed necessary by The Suite Spot, the Sugar Hill Downtown Development Authority or building management.
Electronic key fobs (or access cards) are provided to members in order to access the co-working spot. The electronic keys are not transferrable and are only to be used by the assigned member. Possession of an electronic key by a person who is not the assigned, registered member may result in the electronic key being disabled for the safety of other members. Guests should always be accompanied by an active, paying member.
Lost or stolen keys must be reported to management immediately using the Member Support page so that the electronic key may be disabled for the safety of other members. Members are responsible for the electronic key that is assigned to them and for the liability that may be incurred from its use. Replacement electronic keys may be requested using the Suite Spot ticket portal. Only one active key per co-work & premium member is allowed. Tenants lease agreement includes two active key fobs and suite keys.
Members will be charged the following for lost, stolen or unreturned keys: $15 electronic keys, $20 for premium file cabinet key, and $25 for office suite keys using the credit card on file for memberships.
The Suite Spot, the Sugar Hill Downtown Development Authority and building management may use member provided contact information periodically to communicate with existing members through various means of communications including, but not limited to: email, email newsletters, mail, phone, text message, & various social media outlets.